We drive all night and arrive in Marfa, TX at 5am on an empty gas tank. The entire way, it was not dark out due to the nearly full moon. We park the bus next to a palace-like building lined with fragrant trees. We go to sleep with the morning dawn light and sounds of sprinklers going off.
We wake up and explore the town. Have an excellent breakfast at the Brown Recluse. We visit the Chinati Foundation, where we tour the art work of ex-Marfa resident Donald Judd and his contemporaries such as Dan Flavin.
We meet up with a family friend of Tao's, Sandra and her daughter Eliza. Sandra invites us over for dinner. We bring along Luis and Emily, two interns at the Chinati Foundation that we met on the tour that day. Eliza invites her friend Trey. We make sushi.

After dinner, we try to see the infamous Marfa lights, but alas it is a full moon.