We go to pick up Tao (aka Charlie) at the airport and after 40 minutes of looping around, we resort to paging him over the loud speaker in the airport. Why? Tao's phone was out of batteries and we couldn't meet him where previously ordained since all the car clearance heights were much shorter than 10ft. Poor Dusty. It's a hard life being 11 ft tall.
An airport traffic official stops us and notifies us that a man has been looking for a bus just like ours. Finally, the stars align and we find our Tao! Time for a night of celebratory dancing and a little bit of gambling...because what would Vegas be without it?
Vegas is great, but we are itching to get to our final destination. After working up a sweat on the dance floor at the Palms, it's time for a beautiful drive home to LA in the early early morning. Tao is ecstatic to be reunited with the LAFCO bus and us girls. He sits behind the wheel, and brings it all home.
HELLO LA! WE MADE IT...(of course).